Peach Tree Rascals Learns From Their Mistakes With “I’m Sorry”

Photo Credit: Stefan Kohli (@photokohli)

By Alissa Arunarsirakul // August 17, 2020

It’s safe to say that it’s practically impossible for Peach Tree Rascals to disappoint us. Although this five-piece collective has been absolutely blowing us away since their well-received debut, they’re continuing to spoil us with the most irresistible releases lately. Introducing us to another side of themselves, Peach Tree Rascals’s DIY game is stronger than ever before with their infectious new single, “I’m Sorry.”

On “I’m Sorry,” Peach Tree Rascals explained,

“We tried to frame this song as an apology to the people that feel like we’ve wronged them at any point. The moral of the story though is to own it, accept you’ve messed up, and move on. It doesn’t make sense to hold onto the negative.” 

“I’m Sorry” immediately sets the tone with silky vocals accompanied by steady clapping and gorgeous strumming. As Peach Tree Rascals admits their mistakes, “I’m Sorry” encourages us all to recognize and learn from our wrongdoings. In true Peach Tree Rascals fashion, “I’m Sorry” is joined by a liberating visual shot in the classic Southern Californian sun, hinting at the escape Peach Tree Rascals offers with every delectable song. 

“We filmed this a bit outside of LA. The concept came to be because we wanted to show sort of the idea that oftentimes we run away from our problems, but at the end of the day, we’re all in it together mentally. We all have moments where we feel like the world is against us and that we’ve wronged those we love, but it’s important to take a beat and give yourself some slack. Apologize and own it.” 

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